Immigration Options for Military Families - Military Parole in Place

Military Parole in Place is a procedure available to assist the immediate relatives of individuals currently enlisted or who are veterans of the U.S. Military. This is a very specific application filed at the applicant’s local field office which allows the applicant to apply for “Parole in Place” which serves as a legal entry for purposes of adjustment of status (or a “green card” application). For example, if U.S. citizen husband is enlisted in the U.S. Military, but he is married to a spouse who entered the country without inspection (or “illegally”) the spouse is not eligible to apply for her legal permanent residence in the U.S. However, if a Parole in Place application is granted, the U.S. citizen spouse in the military and his foreign wife can apply for her legal permanent residency within the United States.

Please contact our office for a consultation if you would like more information on this process.

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